Messenger Account Recovery: What Should I Do If I Forgot Both My Email and Phone Number for Messenger?

Losing access to your Messenger account because you can’t recall your email and phone number can feel incredibly frustrating. You might worry about losing all your chats, contacts, and memories tied to the account. But don’t stress—there are methods to regain control of your Messenger account even if you’ve forgotten both your email and phone number. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps you can take to recover your account and get back to messaging as quickly as possible.

1. Log in With Your Facebook Account

If you’ve forgotten your Messenger login details but still have access to your Facebook account, you’re in luck. Since Messenger is inherently linked to Facebook, logging into Facebook will give you automatic access to Messenger.

Simply log into Facebook as you normally would, and you’ll be able to open Messenger and access all your conversations. You won’t need your email or phone number for this—just your Facebook username or the method you usually use to log in (like a Facebook app or web browser login).

If you don’t remember your Facebook login details either, don’t worry; we’ll cover that in the next step.

2. Recover Your Facebook Account

Messenger accounts are typically tied directly to Facebook accounts, so if you’ve lost access to Messenger, you can try to recover your Facebook account. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Facebook login page and click on “Forgotten account?”
  • From there, enter any information you might remember, like your Facebook username or an old phone number or email address you may have once associated with your account.
  • If Facebook finds a match, it will send you a password reset link to the email or phone number linked to the account. If you no longer have access to either, you can use other methods, such as recovering the account through trusted contacts (if previously set up).

By regaining access to Facebook, you automatically recover Messenger too, because they share the same login credentials.

3. Use Your Facebook Username

A lot of people don’t realize they can log into Facebook, and therefore Messenger, with their username. Your username is the part of your personal URL that follows “”. For example, if your Facebook URL is, your username would be john.doe123.

Using your username might come in handy if you can’t recall the email or phone number linked to your account but still remember the URL of your profile. It’s a simple way to regain access without having to go through too many recovery hoops.

4. Try Using an Alternate Email or Phone Number

When setting up your Messenger or Facebook account, you may have added multiple emails or phone numbers over time, especially for account recovery purposes. If you’re having trouble remembering your primary email or phone number, try logging in using any alternate email addresses or phone numbers that could be linked to the account.

Facebook allows you to associate multiple contact details with one account, so there’s a good chance you might still have access to one of these alternatives.

5. Recover Your Account Through Trusted Contacts

If you had the foresight to set up Trusted Contacts on Facebook, now’s the time to use them. Trusted Contacts are friends or family members you chose to help you recover your account if you get locked out. Facebook will send them recovery codes that they can share with you.

Here’s how to use Trusted Contacts:

  1. Go to the Facebook recovery page.
  2. Click on the option that says, “No longer have access to these?” when asked for your email or phone number.
  3. Follow the prompts and choose your Trusted Contacts. They will receive a recovery code that you’ll use to access your account.

This can be a quick and reliable way to regain access to both your Facebook and Messenger accounts.

6. Reach Out to Facebook Support

If none of the above methods work, the final option is to contact Facebook Support. Be prepared to provide as much information as possible to prove ownership of the account. This might include screenshots of your profile, old posts, or any other personal details tied to your account.

Facebook Support may take some time to respond, but once they verify your identity, they will help you recover your account.

7. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for Future Security

Once you regain access to your Messenger account, it’s essential to set up extra security measures to prevent getting locked out again. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is one of the most secure ways to ensure you always have access to your account, even if you forget your login details.

By linking your account to an authentication app or backup codes, you ensure that you’ll have multiple methods to recover access, even if you forget your email or phone number again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What should I do if I can’t remember my Facebook password and have no access to my email or phone number?
If you’ve lost access to both your email and phone number, the best route is to use any recovery methods you set up, such as Trusted Contacts. If this doesn’t work, contacting Facebook Support may be your final option. Provide as much information as possible to verify your identity.

Q2: Can I log into Messenger without a Facebook account?
Yes, in some cases, you can use Messenger without a Facebook account by signing up with your phone number. However, this option is not available in all regions, and it might limit your access to certain features. If you already have a Facebook account, it’s recommended to log in using Facebook to avoid any issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to regain access to your Messenger account even if you’ve forgotten both your email and phone number. Taking proactive measures like setting up two-factor authentication and Trusted Contacts will help you avoid similar issues in the future.

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