How Often Should I Relist My Item Not Sold on Facebook Marketplace?

So, you’ve posted your item on Facebook Marketplace, and the sales aren’t rolling in as you expected. It’s frustrating, right? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

Many sellers face the same issue, but there are strategies you can employ to boost your chances of making a sale. 

One effective approach is to relist your item, but the key question is: how often should you do it? Let’s dive into some practical insights on how to optimize your listings and make those sales happen.

Why Relisting Matters

Visibility is Key

Facebook Marketplace is a bustling platform with new listings popping up every second. 

Your item can quickly get buried under a pile of new posts, reducing its visibility. 

Relisting your item brings it back to the top of the search results, giving it a fresh start and increasing the likelihood of catching a potential buyer’s eye.

Reaching New Audiences

Each time you relist, you’re not just increasing visibility; you’re also reaching different segments of the audience. 

People who missed your listing the first time around may see it now. Different times of the day and days of the week have varying levels of activity and user demographics. 

By relisting, you maximize the chances of your item being seen by a wider and more diverse audience.

How Often Should You Relist?

Evaluate the Initial Performance

Before you decide on a relisting frequency, take a moment to evaluate how your listing has performed. 

If you’re getting a lot of views but no messages, it might be time to tweak the listing itself rather than just relisting it. 

Look at your photos, description, and price. Sometimes, a few small changes can make a big difference.

Recommended Relisting Frequency

Generally, if your item hasn’t sold within two weeks, it’s a good idea to relist it. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  1. Weekly Relisting: For items that are in high demand or if you’re in a competitive market, consider relisting every week. This keeps your item consistently visible and relevant.
  2. Bi-Weekly Relisting: For less urgent sales or items with a niche audience, bi-weekly relisting is a good approach. It keeps the item fresh without overwhelming potential buyers with too frequent posts.
  3. Monthly Relisting: For rare or high-value items, a monthly relisting schedule might suffice. This is particularly effective if your item is something that doesn’t move quickly but will eventually find the right buyer.

Optimizing Your Relisting Strategy

Revise Your Listing

Each time you relist, don’t just repost the same thing. Use the opportunity to revise and improve your listing. Update your photos to make them more appealing. 

Ensure they are clear, well-lit, and showcase the item from multiple angles. If possible, add a video to give a better sense of the item.

Update Your Description

Your item description is crucial. Make sure it’s detailed and accurate. Highlight key features, dimensions, and condition. 

If your item has any flaws, be upfront about them. Honesty builds trust and can sometimes be the difference between making a sale and getting ignored.

Adjust Your Price

Price is a major factor in selling. If your item isn’t selling, consider adjusting the price. Look at similar items on the marketplace to ensure you’re competitively priced. 

Sometimes, even a small reduction can attract more interest. If you’re open to negotiation, mention it in your description.

Engage with Potential Buyers

Respond to inquiries promptly and politely. Engage with potential buyers, answer their questions, and provide additional information if needed. 

Good communication can significantly increase the chances of a sale.

Promote Your Listing

Share in Relevant Groups

Don’t rely solely on the Marketplace’s algorithm. Share your listing in relevant Facebook Groups. 

For instance, if you’re selling a piece of furniture, join local home decor or buy/sell groups. This expands your reach and taps into more targeted audiences.

Use Facebook Ads

If you’re willing to invest a little, consider using Facebook’s paid promotion options. 

Boosting your listing can help it reach a wider audience, including those who aren’t actively searching but might be interested.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I relist the same item multiple times without any issues?

A: Yes, you can relist the same item multiple times, but it’s essential to follow Facebook Marketplace’s guidelines. 

Avoid relisting too frequently, as it might be considered spammy. A weekly or bi-weekly relisting schedule is generally safe and effective. 

Always make sure to update your listing with fresh content to keep it appealing and relevant.

Q2: What should I do if my item still doesn’t sell after multiple relists?

A: If your item isn’t selling after multiple relists, it might be time to reconsider some aspects of your listing. Re-evaluate your photos, description, and price. 

Make sure you’re targeting the right audience by sharing your listing in relevant groups. Additionally, consider using paid promotions to boost visibility. 

If all else fails, you might need to lower the price or offer additional incentives like free delivery.


Relisting your item on Facebook Marketplace is a smart strategy to increase visibility and attract potential buyers. 

By evaluating your listing’s performance, optimizing your content, and strategically deciding on the relisting frequency, you can significantly improve your chances of making a sale. 

Remember to stay engaged with potential buyers, update your listing regularly, and consider leveraging paid promotions for better results. Happy selling!

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